Monday, February 9, 2009

No sense at all, part I

Walking by the brink of the cliff I came across something on the ground. It was bright, ring-shaped, however it wasn't a ring. This metal piece was wholesome more similar to an earring made especially for someone young since its needle was too short for someone with bigger ears. Maybe a little girl's gift.

By the time I was bending forward to pick it up, something drove at me from the rear. The impact was sheer, and somewhat painful. My eyes got bigger as soon as I saw how the magnificent scene overlooking from topside was coming closer as I went forward.
I stumbled clumsily for the thickets around engaged my legs, like mosquito's in cobweb. Despite it, the thrust I received pushed me along so hard that those plants barely could stop it. I was inevitably meeting my incoming doom, ahead.

So I finally got close to the brink and realized I was falling. At that point I took the decision that saved my life. In lieu of attempting to grab and hold on, I just jumped and dove. Instantly, in a fraction of a second, I decided I'd rather plunge into the water rather than into the rocks below.

The vertical, sheer drop sank me into the water ten feet in. Then a wave drew me way up directly outside and I took a deep breath while looking upwards. I didn't see anything since my eyes were blurry due to the salty water. Moreover, the fact I'd survived that fall hadn't sunk in yet.

I swam towards the beach nearby, and glad but confused started shaking my hair, and my clothes to the shiny sun rising that morning. When eventually I came on my feet again, I climbed up the path to the cliff. There was no one there, certainly, and when I checked the area where I'd founded the earring I couldn't find it anew.

Pretty much a bad joke. Who the hell would try to shove me off the cliff just for a tiny thing? ... This murderer might me someone cruel, of course. Well, I think someone's life's worth much more than a stupid object. At the least mine.

(Sorry guys, felt like writing good english today though the story lacks of any sense)


  1. Qué tal, abrasador?

    Precisamente mañana empiezo mis clases de Inglés, aunque creo que no voy a ir... Que es a las 9 y tengo ahora una resaca, jaja. Tengo un poco abandonado este blog, pero es que este mes está siendo movidito. Lo próximo, a Zaragoza en Carnaval y luego a Suecia para el bautizo de Marcelo! Que el gobernador de Suecia le ampare...
    Ya te contaré.

  2. Tio ... viviendo en los states y comprendiendo mas o menos bien a la peña aqui debo decirte que no entiendo un altisimo porcentaje de las palabras de este post. Sinceramente te animo a que te unas a la real academia de la lengua de los señores de la gran bretaña.
    Saludos desde Connecticut.
    El mago.

  3. Gracias peña. Ultimamente leo bastante en inglés (Todos los dias de hecho) y se aprende un montonazo. Os lo recomiendo. Ademas parte de este blog fue creado para no perder la onda con el inglés.
