Yep! That's her. She is my current D&D player character and one of the most grateful and interesting roles I've ever played.
In game terms, she is a 13th level cleric, more in detail, she is cleric (8)+ warrior (1) + war priest(2) + divine devote (2). She's got feats like shield ward, spontanous wounds, close combat, amgongst others. 13th level spellcaster, positive magic (for curative purposes) and banish undead as cleric skills chosen on first level. Remarkable characteristic: Wisdom, Remarkable Skills: Focus, Spell Knlowledge, Diplomacy... Remarkable Saving throw: Fortitude. 13th level spellcaster and four cleric domains: Glory, Protection, Battle and Strength.
She carries a big rounded metal shield, a magic armor found in one of the adventures (Which provides three different energy protections) and a battle axe wielded on the right hand. This axe was handed down in her family since decades, and she inherited it when she was only fifteen and her father died.
Aside the character sheet, her attitude is chaotic-neutral due to the prerequisites of her religion: Tempus, the god of battle, Though she has showed a bit of legacy in some of her actions. For example, she feels a deep identity related to her society (Scar Dale, within the Land of Dales northwards the Sea of the fallen stars) and a lot of her actions takes into account the wellbeing and prosperity of her brothers.
She was born in Travescuna (ScarDale, Forgotten Realms). Not the capital, not the smallest town, but fairly populated and, relaying on other opinions (Gaudeana's included), center of the true law and political power after the advent of several important catastrophes (Pest, sieges, Sembia, Cormyr and Zhent's invasions...)
She left her hometown after becoming a respectable cleric of Tempus. A message intercepted from a spy on his way to Cormyr revealed an enemy plan that jeopardized the integrity of the Council on command, and the name 'Ogloronth' made Gaudeana to travel to that land in order to uncover the responsible nobles, axe in hand.
She never got there... A weird thread was set upon her and other companions that made them draw their attention to the north.
But that's another story.